
Phase II is on

The start of phase II was windy. Monday and Tuesday SW Finland was hit by severe winds. Tomorrow will be something between Monday and nice Summer breeze. Anyway, on Tuesday I chose to run Q1 by getting aid from tailwind. Not a bad choice...

Tomorrow morning I know that 5xmile is waiting for me but the weather status is bit uncertain. One thing is for sure - it is not winterish.

Oh, and I did skip weekend's tempo run. Instead, I ate lots of candy.


WOW and easy days

Yeah, Wednesday morning embedded with slippery roads. I had already decided to do an easy run instead of planned workout. Luckily, on my way back I had to pay a short visit to forest administration's office and there I realized that the Worm (gravel path, about 666 meters long loop) will be the place to be!

And there I was, running 3x2k (7:10-6:59) without any traction problems. How cool is that???

Yesterday and today were easy. Tomorrow or on Sunday I will do a steady state run. Or then I won't. It's Xmas.

Happy Holidays!


Back at it

Easy weeks suck. Luckily, the latest edition it's over. Now it is time to gather additional energy for our next moving...

Tomorrow will be the last WOW of Phase I. I think that I'll run 3x2k @ T-pace. Again, I have to try my luck early in the morning, but after tomorrow Xmas lunch at work there is no way to run anything in the evening. Great news is that continuous rain enables pretty decent conditions for selected outdoor activities. So, tomorrow I don't have to worry about ice.



Yesterday I spent the whole day in Helsinki by attending 4-5 meetings. Accordingly, I chose not to run. Similarly, Wednesday was bit busy, but I had time slot for a faster 3.1-miler (+WU & CD). Tomorrow I would have a change to run our monthly test run but my legs are still aching. [Oh I forgot that I'm supposed to care of the timing so no running for me.]

This easy week has been a busy one. Tomorrow and on Sunday will be scheduled for moving our stuff back home. Our 3.5 month-long journey here and there caused by pipe renovation is about done. Won't complain about that at all.


A kick ass week + a face plant

Workout Wednesday was awesome even if a strong headwind tried to kick my butt. I did 5x3min with 2 min recovery jog at 6 AM. No one sane was around running in that weather. On Saturday I expected that I will join a large(ish) group of triathletes in their threshold run but it turned out that there was only two guys and lot of icy roads. I ran 5-miler by accelerating the last 3km which weren't that easy because of the slippery conditions.

Yesterday I accompanied youngsters while they were doing their long run, and ran a 15-miler. Roads were again better.

This morning I noticed already during the morning jaunt that roads are again bit icy but it didn't prevent myself of getting a face plant while I was biking to work. And it happened at the last turnout before reaching the University. Actually, I can see that place from my window right now. In addition, I broke my glasses and even had to visit a doctor in order to check out the status of my thumb, shoulder, and right cheekbone. Stupid Monday.


Weekly update - late one

Last week was a mess. Instead of running any faster workouts I did two steady state runs. Both were 6-milers. Tuesday evening's workout was a kick ass, but Saturday morning was baaad. It sucked mud.

On Sunday I had good company and a nice long run (18 miles) which was a decent compensation for Saturday. Now I feel lucky that J made me realize how I should deal with running from now on. More positive. I'm still running...


Surprise Workout Tuesday

Yesterday I didn't have guts to take Lil' D out for a tempo run. He didn't enjoy Sunday's longish run at all after raisins ran out. In addition, yesterday's weather was less inspiring, so I decided to postpone the planned workout by one day.

Accordingly, I ran HR moderated tempo run around a mile-long loop close by our current evacuee place this eve. And it felt really ok. In your face, aging.


Hello Baby Jogger

Ok. On Wednesday, even if I was promising to myself to be a runner, I skipped everything else than eating junk food. As a remorse I was up and go at 6 AM on Thursday. I was punishing the asphalt by running 5x3min'2min. The pace was slightly slower than the last time but it was mentally pretty rewarding to find myself in that situation.

Yesterday sweetie left to Boston for a research conference which means that Lil' D is joining me in my workouts. On the other hand, this means more easy runs than any actual workouts. I take that as a positive period between tough weeks. I hope that my legs will thank me later.

Yesterday my colleague at work browsed my old training logs. He noticed (and made me realize) an important fact. I'm not running enough easy nor enough fast paces anymore (at least the amount is much less nowadays). After learning some American tricks I seem to have lost my old edge. However, in American terms I run too slow my easy and long runs, and in Finnish terms I do the opposite. Does my own feeling count in this equation? Well, in all I gotta get my act together what comes to running fast. But before that I will be jogging with my son without paying any attetion to the pace.

I just run.


Weekly summary

A late one but still... test run (10k) took little more time than I expected but still I was able to break the time which I was scared of. Honestly, I'm not so happy with the fact that I'm fighting with 37 minutes but this is now.

On Sunday I joined youngsters (Bruni and Masai) in their long run. It was pretty awesome especially when I've been running about 98% of my runs alone. Today (Wed) I planned to do a workout already before 6 AM but it just didn't happen. However, it (tempo run + hill repeats) will happen later today. And I'm already tired. Fun.


And then weekend arrived

Next up... test run (partially hilly 10km). Today (Friday) work kept me too busy so I skipped my date with the asphalt. Today's work related event was actually the first public appearance as a researcher in Finland since we returned from the US. I've been lurking in the shadows. 


Kenyans rock the marathon

What a race in NYC today!!! 2:05 on that course is fast and solid performance. Kenyans' marathon results during this year have been insane and I feel so lucky that I'm not involved in selected their marathon team for next Summer's Olympics...

On the contrary, I'm pretty happy with this week's running effort. On Wednesday I did hills and yesterday I started a long way back to faster paces by running 5x3min'2min (@ 5:25-5:20s). This morning I joined triathletes long hiking/running workout in the woods. It took 3 hrs and felt totally great. Weekly mileage was 59. Much better than last week's 15...



I want get faster as much as rabib dogs eager for fresh meat.


Workout Wednesday

No running for couple of days has changed my feeling from energetic to sluggish. Accordingly, Monday and Tuesday were ez days. Today I had to get back on the schedule which meant hill repeats (10x1min.). After a slow start the repeats felt easier and easier. Not bad at all.

Since the plan is to get faster the next workout will comprise faster pace. Oh yes, this sport is rocket science.



Even if I spent this week with stomach flu and some fever and did not run at all, I joined triathletes in their "swamp walk" workout this morning. Nice, 3hrs experience.


1000th posting

I'm happy to share the news that 3 days of stomach flu is gradually changing into feverish flu. Awesome! NOT! Happy happy joy joy!


And the Fall goes on...

Last week was pretty ok. Almost 50 miles, long hill repeats on Thursday and a race (10.4k) on Sunday. Race was a great workout, like start of a new training season. J won that race and I lost to him about 18 seconds per km. So, I have some work to do.

Now I have a stomach flu. Not having one would be much better but what you can do...


A meeting with old refuse dump

Long hill repeats. They rule but still I will skip Berlin Marathon 2012 (registration opened today).


Just running

I'm sort of back at it. The next three months will comprise just running. Mostly easy, but hopefully more than during this year's weekly averages. I gotta run a bit slower in general but at the same time pay way more attention to speed. That I've neglected totally lately (=during the last 9 months + 2-3 years before that). This week was 38.5 miles which is more than those 3 miles which I ran two weeks ago. Yesterday's test run (3.1 miles) was painfull and slow (18:05) but again... that's a start.

A and Masai ran well in Amsterdam today, HCS racing team (or Bullseye) won the Baltimore marathon's relay. Nice weekend. Oh and I just noticed that J (who is running for Kennesaw) ran well at Tuscaloosa, AL and took 15th place.


Plans for 2012

...among others Clyde's 10k, Pike´s Peek 10km in Rockville, Broadstreet 10M...

Today I registered for this race in Norway: Skaala Uphill.


Yeah. That's me. A slacker. Last week I barely collected 30 miles of easy running while others recovering from Berlin were already racing. Realizing this didn't change anything since I skipped Monday and then I skipped Tuesday. And I didn't regret anything.

But this morning I was running hills at 6:30 AM which makes me so proud of myself. Starting with 2 miles warm up (oh yes, it was 35F in the morning) I ran 10x1min. on quite steep hill. This was the first workout since Berlin and I didn't have so high expectations. Maybe that's the actual reason for this good feeling. I was planning to participate our local monthly "race" on Saturday, but since it's organized at 11 AM I might have something better to do.

So I'll continue my lonely wolf thing. Why? 



Making plans phase continues... this week was 30+ miles without any pressure other than work related issues. Yesterday and today running felt pretty ok.


Ez days

First run after Berlin. Both legs feel still bit tired, but not bad. I added 20 miles bike ride since Sun was shining. Next up.... eeeezzzz. Next big race might be Broadstreet Run next May if the plans turn out ok.


In between

Making plans.... have to find a way out from the rock bottom and taste the pain.


2 out of 3

Berlin is done. I broke 3 hrs for the first time but totally in a wrong way. So, marathon didn't go quite like I expected but by the time I hit the wall (22-24km) I was sure about what I have done wrong/have neglected. Long story short: I'm not that disappointed that I just ran the worst result ever. Summer hasn't been that easy, but now I'm eagerly waiting for getting back at it. One thing is sure - I won't be running marathons anytime soon.

Take care. I'll take some time off.




This used to be the best time of training. All the mileage and hard workouts are done and then you just had to be patient enough. Now, I don't even remember how to taper... Luckily, it's not rocket science.

I missed Monday's run and the same happened today but I'm not worried. Maybe tomorrow I won't skip the daily dose and continue from where I left myself yesterday (2x2k'1k+1k @ sub MP). Sunday I'll do 10-13 ez miles and then on next Wednesday/Thursday it's time for final wake-up call (3x2k or 3 miles @ MP). On Friday I'll meet HCS crew in Berlin.

And then on 25th....



Hello from the stealth mode. Berlin is in 3 weeks. Enuff said. Here's what has been going on:

Last-last week
M: Off / Off (this far this workout has been most perpetual)
T: Easy / Easy
W: Easy / Easy
T: 20x200m'200m / WU+20x200m'200m (on track)+CD (late evening, was really nice)
F: Easy or moderate long run / Easy short run
S: Easy / Easy
S: Tempo run 12.5 miles / Tempo run 12.5 miles @ MP (I almost dropped out at 9 miles. I just hated the rain and headwind so much)

Last week:
M: Off / Off

T: Easy / Easy w/ Babyjogger
W: Easy / Easy w/ Babyjogger
T: Yasso800s. 6-8*800 / WU+6*Yasso800s+CD
F: Easy / Easy
S: Easy / Easy
S: Race 7.5K / WU+Race (at last) 7.5k @10KP

And then this week's plan (T-3)
M: Off (I think that I missed this today by running ez. Damnit!)

T: Long run 13 miles w/ 6 miles @ MP
W: Easy
T: Easy
F: Easy
S: 8-10 x 400m with 200m jog in sets of four at half marathon, 10K, 5K and 3K race pace
S: Long run 20 miles
The race I did after awhile was extremely important mentally. I just accepted that I won't be able to match top guys pace and focused on keep my pace steady. Luckily, it was just enough to keep women's winner behind me...


Too much

Too much other activities than running have been going on lately. After staying a week in San Antonio we moved to a temporary housing (for the next 3.5 months to get away from pipe repair and kitchen renovation taking place at our home), I faced enormous work load and almost lost the touch with running. That's the reason for the absence from blogging, too.

Today I had a time slot for 20x200m'200m jog rest. I ran it on track instead of road and I was rollin'. The last three weeks have looked something like this:

M: Off
T: Easy / Ez 9 miles
W: 12-16 x 400m with 200m jog in sets of four at half marathon, 10K, 5K and 3K race pace / 16x400m'200m jog rest
T: Easy / Ez
F: Tempo run 15km @ MP and 25 hours of traveling to San Antonio / 15 km tempo run @ subMP
S: Off (got stuck in Chicago etc.) / Off
S: Long run 13-16 miles / Due to jet lack and harsh weather only 7 miles of which 6 was too much
M: Easy / Off
T: Easy / Easy
W: 8-10xYasso800s / Hah. No way that was going to happen => Easy
T: Off / Off, 25hrs of traveling
F: Easy / Easy, almost forgot to run
S: Race 14 km / WU+12.5 miles tempo run @ MP
S: Long run 13 miles / Easy

And then plan for this week
M: Off
T: Easy
W: Easy
T: 20x200m'200m
F: Easy or moderate long run
S: Easy
S: Tempo run 12.5 miles

And then a disturbing confession: Mentally I'm not at all ready for Berlin. Any suggestions how to fix that?



Greetings from San Antonio, TX. It's fun to back in the US. I DO miss many things and people here, but I'm quite sure that hot and humid weather is not one them.

I ran a deaccelerating 7-miler in humid (feels like) 85F. I was supposed to run 13 miles. Did not happen. This particular ez run almost as painful as all of my workout from this Summer put together. So all of my running buddies in MD - you're tough guys! I feel so lucky that the next three days are easy (running-wise that is). Now I'm off to breakfast.


Fun times

Last week was awesome. Wednesday's bike ride, weekend's Nationals, Saturday's early tempo run w/ Moguli and Sunday's long run were pretty cool. A closer look shows that I was almost able keep up with the training program.

M: Off // Off
T: Easy // Ez
W: AM Easy, PM Bike ride // Ez + short hills + 60 miles bike ride
T: 4x2km'4min. @ HMP // 6xYasso 800s
F: Easy // Ez
S: Tempo 7-8 miles @ MP // Tempo run 7.5 miles w/ Moguli

S: Long run 18-20 miles EZ // Long run 19.5 (@7:15s to 6:40s)

This Friday I'll fly to scary hot San Antonio, TX and will (for sure) take it ez while staying there. Accordingly, tomorrow and early Friday morning will comprise workouts. This week's schedule:

M: Off
T: Easy
W: 12-16 x 400m with 200m jog in sets of four at half marathon, 10K, 5K and 3K race pace
T: Easy
F: Tempo run 15km @ MP and 25 hours of traveling
S: Off
S: Long run 13-16 miles


Weekend's hobby

Some outcomes from this weekend. Nationals were held in our backyard - at the renovated Paavo Nurmi Stadium. I didn't have any "offical" photo tasks this time but here's some pictures.


Back at the office

So all of sudden this year's vacation time is over and I'm back at work. On next week's Friday I'll fly over to San Antonio, TX for a research conference (there's 8k/15k race on Sat evening, but I have to skip it). Accordingly, I will continue "on" days for an extra five days and have an ez week while staying in the USA.

Last week's plan/execution:
M: Off / Off
T: Ez / Ez
W: Even Steven workout / Even Steven(10min@MP/ez/8min@HMP/ez/6min@10kP/ez/4min@5kP/ez/2minsub5kP)
T: Ez / Ez
F: Ez + striders / Ez
S: Ez + short hills / Ez
S: Long run 16-18 miles w/6 miles @ MP
/ 16 miles of which last 6 miles @ MP

Both of last week's workouts were really nice experiences. Even Steven workout was especially ok.

This week's plan looks like this:

M: Off
T: Easy
W: AM Easy, PM Bike ride
T: 4x2km'4min. @ HMP
F: Easy
S: Tempo 7-8 miles @ MP

S: Long run 18-20 miles EZ!


Workout Wednesday

Just a note:

McMillan's Even Steven workout was an awesome experience. Because this week's no. 1 workout will be Sunday's marathon-oriented long run and I just on Saturday ran tempo repeats, ES was a convenient option for "doing something else". I highly recommend this kind of multipaced workout. Go for it!


Gimme some water

One year is gone since Lil' D was born. Time has really flied by during the last 12 months. Only time when time seems to be crawling is when I race.

Last week was relatively warm and suprisingly humid but I won't continue any further since I'm aware of the conditions in the US and in MD. Anyway, I have felt pretty thirsty every time I've been running. But still running-wise I'm now pretty satisfied and I hope that this feeling continues little longer.

Plan//Execution of last week's schedule:

M: Ez//Ez
T: Off (travelling)//Off
W: Tempo run 12 km @ MP//Tempo run 12 km @ sub MP
T: Longish run//Short and ez
F: Ez//Longish run w/ Jukka
S: 4x2km @ HMP// 4x2km'4min. @ sub HMP
S: Long bike ride (if triathletes will execute their plans)// 67 miles bike ride

This week will look like this:
M: Off
T: Ez
W: Even Steven (@MP/ez/@HMP/ez/@10kP/ez/@5kP/ez/sub5kP
T: Ez
F: Ez + striders
S: Ez + short hills
S: Long run 16-18 miles w/6 miles @ MP


In the middle of nowhere is good

Sweetie has her first Half-Ironman on Saturday and accordingly I was bit nervous the whole week and especially on Sat. Thus, it was right time for an ez week:
M: Off
T: Ez
W: Tempo run 5 km (17:31)
T: Ez
F: 20 x 200m with 200m jog: 36-37 secs
S: Off (Will be following sweetie's Half-Ironman!!!)
S: A sissy ass 7 miler. I was so tired after Saturdays activities. The run took place on a relatively hilly course. I spotted two snakes on my way. Snakes suck.

This on-going week will be following:
M:  Ez
T:  Off (travelling)
W: Tempo run 12 km @ MP
T: Longish run
F: Ez
S: 4x2km @ HMP
S: Long bike ride (if triathletes will execute their plans)


Feeling good followed by sucker punch

Execution of the week #2:
M: Ez
T: Tempo run 9 miles @ MP-HMP. I ran this on afternoon and during the run weather was easy on me. Workout felt controlled but after the run legs hurt a LOT!
W: Ez
T: Ez bike 40km. During the night the right foot started aching and I couldn't even step on it. In the morning it was even worse but luckily Dr. was hanging online and I got help via Facebook. It turned out that the joint of right big toe was too tight which caused pressure on nerves. Luckily after 30 minutes manipulation the pain left the body. I decided not to run on Thursday.
F: Ez + Myrtle Routine x 2
S: 10.5 km road race. A disaster. Hot conditions killed me. I won, but the pace was slower than on Tuesday. Insane and mental.
S: Long run 12 miles. I felt really tired but good company helped.

Vacation time is still on, but due to bad scheduling I have to work during the afternoons and evenings. It sucks.

This week will be easy and plan is (yes I try to follow 2+1 schedule):

M: Off
T: Ez
W: Tempo run 5-6 km + 5x1/1min.
T: Ez
F: 20-24 x 200m with 200m jog at 5K to 10K pace
S: Off (Will be following sweetie's Half-Ironman!!!)
S: Long run 20 miles

Now I'm heading to see Mudhoney performing at Klubi. C'ya.


Training @ MP

Just ran an awesome workout yesterday. 9+ miles (15km) @ marathon pace + 5 miles of WU/CD. It has been 6 years since I last time did something this organized training. The workout was totally in my control even if the kebab roll (kebab ingredient rolled inside pizza, ) was willing and able to mess the whole thing up. In the evening my legs started to hurt like hell but in a good way. This morning's run with baby jogger was painful and slow.

Memo to me: never ever eat a kebab roll 120 minutes before your tempo run.


Vacation time

This time the vacation surprised me by starting a week too early. And this was only based on my false perception, not on the actual calendar. So from last Friday... screw you office. After learning on Tuesday that Thursday would be my last work day for a month, work kept me busy. Really busy.  

Execution of week 1 for Berlin:
M: Ez + Myrtle Routine x 2
T: Ez
W: 3x2km'1km @ (5:50-5:40). Was too tired to run the fourth. It was early enough to think like this...
T: Ez + massage + evening bike ride 20 miles (ez) 
F: Ez + MR x 2
S: Due to time constrains (I hadn't time for any longer run) and too hot conditions I ran a long run of 14 miles w/ 4 miles @ MP instead of 16/6. I mind this as a good start of something new.
S: Bike 64 miles. At the start sun was shining  and in the end it rained. During the thunderstrom in between we had to stay away from the road.

Plan for week 2:
M: Ez
T: Tempo 7.5 miles @ MP-HMP
W: Ez
T: Ez + mini fartlek 5x1'1min. @ 5KP
F: Ez
S: 4x2km'3-4 min. or 10.5 km road race
S: Long run 16 miles


Life after Mid-Summer

Nowadays when I'm not racing on track anymore, the Mid Summer is more relaxed and fulfilling (=lots of eating). Do you think that I'd have anything to complain about with this.

If I had a kick-ass start for last week, the rest of the week was busy at work, hurting my hamstring, but giving me a chance to run a moderate tempo run on early Thursday morning. Yes, this week was an ez one.

On Friday I ran with Jukka for 13 miles (6:50s) somewhere in the middle of nowhere. It was the first run for ages that didn't suck at all. Maybe running alone is not my thing? On Saturday I ate and biked 30+ miles in the evening. On Sunday I rode w/ sweetie for 50 miles which means that I skipped running on both days. That's how I roll these days. Last night, instead of running, I found myself in Helsinki in front the stage of Foo Fighters.

This weekend meant that I have now 3 months to prepare for Berlin. The current situation is to some degree worse than I planned. Hamstring/glute issue is still on and I'm supposed to focus my training more on distance now. Let's what comes up. Any guesses?

Plan for week 1:
M: Ez
T: Ez
W: 4x2km'1km @ HMP
T: Ez
F: Ez
S: Long run 16 miles w/ 5 miles @ MP
S: Bike

Oh and Darby: Yes for Pepsi Max!


Here and there

Last Thursday core workout was just a dream. Luckily, on Friday I had chance to run about 7.5 miles around sunny Stockholm. Hamstring was relatively painful but I crushed my Swedish fellow morning joggers by finishing @ sub 6:30s. "That'll teach my hamstring, too", I thought. But it did not.

On Saturday I was feeling slightly off the whole and didn't hesitate to skip running (maybe this was because of B10 was held on the same day and that race still hurts me). Instead, I rode a "night rider" (summertime in Finland is all about lightly nights) comprising 50 miles in the late evening.

Then on Sunday I changed a planned 4x2km to a fartlek which was a huge success. Hamstring made some noise but the workout itself was okay - well, it went better than expected. 

Today I was sneaked out for a 6 miler and finished that with Myrtle Routine. What a kick-ass start for a new week! 


Still rolling...

Monday was a day off but I did a set of 100s and 2xMyrtle Routine.

Yesterday morning I ran an ez 6 miler and did one set of short steep hills (following Brad Hudson's recommendations). Today I woke up bit later than planned and thus I was out running only at 6:30. Plan was to run a steady state run of 7.5 miles. And the plan was nicely executed. For the first time since the treadmill test running felt easy and enjoyable. Further, the pace was faster than a week ago even if HR was now lower. This is mostly explained by the change in the weather (last week 77F, now 50F and raining). Anyway, I don't feel miserable.

Tomorrow I will wake up in Stockholm (SWE) and most likely don't have any time slot for running. Core time?


Is it impossible to get back???

It was been suprisingly warm recently. Temperature has been at 90s and that does not ease the pain. After Wednesday's massage therapist session left gluteus started co-operating and I was able to keep myself on the road. Thursday and Friday were easy.

Today I joined triathletes on their test run. It was - again - pretty warm (89F at 5 PM) for a tempo run, but since I skipped my morning session, there was no turning back. Result: total burnout w/ finished status. It was awful experience and made me wonder how in hell I was able to run with HCS crew in Columbia. The whole summer was like this. Tomorrow: longish run + biking.


Workout Wednesday

On Monday I hesitated between taking a day off or just keeping it as an easy day. Due to democratic reasons I had a chance to run home from a lake nearby so I chose an easy day. The run was actually a nice 5 miler in warm evening weather with an increasing pain in the butt/hamstring. The latter caused a chance in plans for Tuesday: instead of running anything I biked 30 miles (it was warm, 82-84F).

Today I ran the steady state 7 miler already early in the morning (6:15 AM is early in Finnish terms) and hamstring was okay. Pace was totally moderated by HRM and it was barely under 6.20s. I'm ok with that.


Another week done

Rest of my time in Tallinn went fast. On Saturday morning I felt really tired but somehow ready to roll. Due to lot of sitting on bad chairs/floor caused some tension in my hamstrings, especially in the left one. Thus, warm-up wasn't so painless that one could and should expect. I managed myself to our team's/club's old test run route and ran 5 km test run in 17:17. Unfortunately, the time is better than I expected. Hah.

On Sunday I was even more tired and I ran only a longish run (~14 miles). Weekly mileage was 56 miles. And now I'm bit nervous about the hamstring. Stupid conferences!


In Tallinn

Due to the additional load on Monday and Tuesday, I skipped yesterday's run. But so did Manu who I met at yesterday's plenary session. Tomorrow we ran 7.5 miles ez and got lost only a little. Then I ate and ate some more. Next up gala dinner.

On Saturday things are back to normal. 100 miles week... here I come? No, 60-70 miles is the next level.


Change in plans

I planned to run this week steady state run tomorrow morning but it turned out that I'm heading to Tallinn, Estonia, already around 8 AM. So even if I was still pretty tired because of yesterday's exercises I did it today. Funny thing is that the temp was all of a sudden around 75 and it felt too much. The workout wasn't nothing to brag about but it's done (6 miler @ 6:15s).

Honestly I'm still crushed by yesterday's moment of truth. Next up couple of ez days in Tallinn (@ research conference).


No remorse

Yes. Facing the truth is the hardest part. My anaerobic threshold has dropped dramatically even if I've been able to get the base in order during this spring. So all the girls and guys over there... the moment of wisdom.... brrrrrrrr.....brrrrrrr... running only at easy comfortable pace doesn't increase your anaerobic capacity.... No shit?

But this cold shower was something that I needed since I've been traveling in the dark what comes to pacing my runs. Now I know that 6.50s is ok for an easy run, but playing around 6.00 pace is currently my limit and this is something that I really have to start work with. Sad, but true. However, in 2005 I was able to come back from similar situation in less than four months (AT dropped from 5:50 to 5:25). Fartlek, here I come!

Evening run was an ez 6 miler w/ Pasma.


Ez week continues

Monday: A day off
Tuesday: Ez 6 miler
Wednesday: Didn't sleep so much, a day off
Thursday: Planned a mid-long run but ran w/ Lil' D, Ami, AP and brand new dad Mikko
Friday: Steady state + hills
Saturday: Mid-long run
Sunday: Ez + strides
Monday: Treadmill test wo/ VO2 max test (gearing up for Berlin...)


Monday will be a day off

Tomorrow is the last day of the current 3 weeks rotation so next week will be easy. Oh well, last week was easier than planned but I was really really tired. Today I ran an awesome pyramid workout (1/2/3/4/3/2/1). This short pyramid is relatively easy but it made me run faster than I believed was possible for me anymore. Tomorrow I'll join youngsters while they are working on their long run. And it is supposed to shine, too.



I just finished an awesome doner kebab meal. It was to celebrate a nice workout Wednesday.

I ran 4 miles of steady state and finished the mix & match workout with 10x200m hill repeats (moderately steep hill, nothing like Mt. Nasty). I originally planned 2x8x200m but decided to skip that one. But in order to compesate this sissyness I ran the hills to moderate headwind. In all this workout produced 11 miles and really happy feeling.

On Monday and Tuesday I ran 6 milers with baby jogger. On both mornings it was suprisingly chilly because of wind and relatively low temperature.

Crawling back to finish... (pic: Hell's Sis)



Hmmm... I did race, I won, but I was slow. Awfully slow (36:18). In addition, I missed my goal today after crashing at the halfway point. Anyway, it was fun and chilly. After three weeks of training there's a progress to be recognized, but it is sloooow.

Luckily I didn't have a chance to travel to the XC Nats this year. I would have died over there. The course looked really brutal on TV - like running on a soft beach in the middle of forest (in a middle of nowhere).


Almost warm

I just finished a short but fine bike ride in low 70s. In the morning, however, the temperature was ~33. Thus, running was pretty refreshing experience compared to the evening's biking. In all, summer is almost here. Tomorrow the plan is to run yet another steady state 6 miler, this time on the paths. It will be moderated by HRM.

On Sunday I might go and face my demons by running a 10k race. The minimum goal is match the average pace of my last shorter race.

[edit:] Dammit it was different to run in warm weather. It was either the weather, dead legs from yesterday's bike ride, running on paths or just my shape that punched me in the nuts today. Anyway, one more steady state saved in the bank. In your face!


Rest of this week

The nagging ache/pain is almost gone. Running did help to rid of that. On Wednesday I ran a steady state (or an accelerating one) 10k with bit longer warmup and cool down (together 12 miles). It felt ok, except I started to feel pretty fatigued during the cool down. That evening we drove to Helsinki.

On Thursday I did my morning run with Lil' D and babyjogger. I got little lost and ran 11 miler instead of planned 6 miles. But it was awesome - sunny and less windy. On Friday I sneaked out for another easy run with 4x100m strides. Then in the afternoon I had some time to visit Helsinki City Run's expo where I met Saava, the man himself. He's getting back...

Today I ran 5x1k (3:23-3:18) ' 500m rest jog w/ normal WU & CD. Word!



All of sudden I was barely able to run this morning. Left hip got little irritated from the weekend. For the first time since last May the aching feeling didn't go away during the run. Then a new friend of mine is the sudden ache in the right foot. It's almost a typical "don't you start running again" -nagging but not quite. So after couple weeks of running pain free I'm on the verge of...

Sunday I ran w/ sweetie and Lil' D only for 11 easy miles. Yesterday was an easy 7 miler. Tomorrow IF I'm able to run without pain in the right foot, I'll do moderate threshold run on the paths. If not, I'll have a day off.

Kick ass songs from this morning (just before Skullcandies broke down).



It has been quiet in the updating front. Because of an easy week running has mostly been eazy. On Wednesday I had a massage and then of course on Thursday I had to try something new: eazy 9.5 miler with hard downhills. I got inspired by an article in the RT latest issue in which it was suggested that in case of heavy quads one should run fast downhills. Even if my heavy quads were partially caused by the massage, the workout helped. On Friday I felt only tired, but quads were working fine.

Today I did a interval medley (1/2/3/4/3/2/1 min. pyramid w/ 2 min. jog rest) in order to tease out fast paces. Today the pace varied from 3:02/km (4:53/mile) to 3:36/km (5:48) and afterwards I felt great! What a nice way to start your weekend!

Oh and April's mileage was 225 (over 60 miles more than in March).


Season opener

A race day. The first since last May!

Running most of my runs in low temperatures (30-35F) was the best preparation for today. Today was easily the best on this Spring (70s). Awesome. What a wonderful day to start new season and at the same time run your first hard tempo run since last year's May!!! I even got the farmer's tan!

The run itself wasn't that fast (it was actually little slower than expected), but was a great reality check. The tempo run was 4.47 miles (@ 5.48) (which of course doesn't make Mark at all scared; maybe it makes him laughing aloud and then cry). Last week was 65 miles which was about 15 miles more than I have ran during the best weeks after the surgery. At the same time this was the first week in which I chose to run 7 days in a row (+ two bike rides). So I was pretty done already during the warm-up and my new buddy, sunshine, wasn't helping my physical state at all. After analyzing my legs today, I think that I'm eating too huge pile of... so I gotta reframe my act. Sooner, the better. I still have eight weeks to improve the base before the hell (marathon training) breaks loose. But THIS IS AWESOME!


Easy days after Wednesday

Even if Wednesday's workout was far from "all out" one, I have felt it during the easy runs thereafter. So Thursday and Friday were easy ones (yesterday I ran w/ Lil' D) and today I ran bit longer one (15.5 miles) w/ Masai and Bruno.

Then we had a nice chance to go biking with sweetie and we rode some 24 easy miles. Pretty enjoyable season opener (temp is now high 50s). Next up... guiding our Chilean visitor here and there in Turku.


Workout Wednesday

My body/engine is regenerating itself piece by piece. Even if I did too long and partly too fast run on Monday, I was able to control today's tempo (6.1 miles @ steady state, hrm controlled, with 2k accleration in the end) quite well: 36:47 (18:32/18:15). In reality this particular workout barely saves me but I know that it could be worse!

Then during the CD I wondered that did Brian Sell used to listen to Mustach while he ran? Mustasch's singer has serious handlebars!



This is one of the best Mondays ever. I had a nice run with Pasma and ran all together 12.5 miles (@ 6:50s).

Thereafter I realized to follow Boston Marathon online which had some insane to offer this year. Geoffrey Mutai ran 2:03:02!!!! (with strong tailwind and non-WR course, but still...). Can't sleep... too much to digest!!!

[edit:] Tomorrow morning I might break my "wear only black" code and run with bright yellow Boston Marathon shirt. Emphasis on "might".

Watch more video of Flotrack's Workout Wednesday, Season 5 on flotrack.org



Cool. I was able to bounce back on the road this week after all. On Friday and Saturday I ran 7.5 miles around at 7.00s. Additionally, the general feeling is great. The weather is now so awesome!!! In the early mornings when I do my jaunts it is still freezing but in the afternoon it's about high 50s.

Today I did the usual 5x3min'2min morning workout but running didn't feel so good (pace was about 5.25-5.30). Sweetie ran her warmup with Lil' D to meet me at her start and thereafter I did a bit longer cool down with D.

Yesterday I was helping out team mates while they were competing at the Road Nationals. Some photos from the race are located here.

And good luck for Jason, Mark, Phil and Seth (and the others) at Boston tomorrow!!!


Sudden ez week

Due to some health issues I had to take couple days off. Yesterday I joined a crew of youngsters (Bruni, Sundell & Mr. Rauma) and ran for 10 miles. Today I continued with 6 junk miles. Tomorrow I will have my turn to watch Road Running Nationals in Siuntio, and accordingly, tempo repeats will take place only on Sunday.

This morning's top three songs:


It's easy to smile while you're next to winners

Support crew knew already here that women
are going to win! (pic: Jarno Maimonen)


Workout Saturday

After Wednesday's workout my legs have felt really heavy. And that is just awesome!

Both on Thursday and Friday I did ez runs but today morning I found myself doing 5x3min.'2min. starting at 7:45AM. This workout was a bit more controlled than a week ago which is an indication of improving shape, right?

Today is also time for Karhu-viesti which is the biggest road run relay in Finland. Men run 50k and women's relay is about 35k. Unfortunately, the fastest guys of club are either training in Portugal, waiting their operated thumb to heal or just injured. So no mens team this year. But I'm happy that I can help women's team in their effort to reach city of Pori enough fast. 

Runners.... ready....



Workout Wednesday. Nice. I was going to run tempo already in the morning, but since I was watching a really bad bad dream (I was choking under a huge pile of snow) just before waking up, I decided to postpone the workout to the evening.

The plan was to duplicate the tempo workout which I used to do couple times on treadmill before I was ill. Today's 5-miler went pretty well (@5:53) since I ran it 1.5 minutes faster than earlier (my bad, too fast). The plan was to keep the pace around 6:00 but I just felt so ok.


It's on (I hope)

This week I've been mostly running easy 6 milers. Today I dared to run the first workout outside since ice is almost gone. Workout comprised 5x3min.'2min. (@ 5:20-5:30) and it felt great. This was actually the first outdoor workout since last July.

Good luck to everyone racing tomorrow at Cherry Blossom, in Berlin or at Tulppaanijuoksu.


Back at it - at last

I missed 1.5 weeks due to a flu, but that's no biggie. Originally I planned to race on next weekend but that's not gonna happen. Instead, I'm happy to take care of Lil' D while sweetie races. I'll have plenty of other chances to start this season and anyway the start will be slow...

But now I'm really happy to able to run again. Morning jaunt was fulfilled with series of coughing which was easy to expect.


Laryngitis can kiss my...

Friday-Sunday: no running + no voice to speak with.

Silent storm!


Not back at it at all

Tuesday-Thursday: 0 miles (I've been sick).


Almost back at it

After an ez week (50 miles) you're supposed to bounce back at running like no thing. Well, I was hurting so badly on Sunday's long run, so taking yet another Monday off was a brilliant choice. This time the night before was spend partially in hospital. We had to take Lil' D to a doctor around 4:00AM since he was barely able to breath. Luckily, the visit helped and he was ready to head home at noon.

Then of course both sweetie and I got the same virus but only with minor negative effects (no high fever, no breathing problems etc.). However, this meant no running today and skipping tomorrow's WOW. But that's no biggie. Berlin is in September and we still got snow here.


Modifying the plans

I was supposed to run a test run today but Daniel got sick yesterday and he was feeling really sick in the morning. So, we were seeing a doctor instead of running. The amount of sleeping hours wasn't that great so I felt pretty tired and didn't feel so bad for not being able to run fast. Additionally, the roads were again a snowy mess thanks to slow spring.  

The second best idea for compensating morning and doing something else than acting as the head of couch potatos I chose hill repeats (10x200m). Actually, I was about to skip today's workout but the demogracy worked well. 

Tomorrow is a big day running enthusiastics like me. First, we have an opportunity to follow NYC half marathon online: http://www.nyrr.org/tv/index.asp  Second, XC World Champs are shown on the national TV. Brilliant!

Life's good but it's hurting my guts to see Lil' D this sick and being able to do so little for him to recover.



Today I had the best morning run for a while. Due work related issues (stress....hahaha) I woke up twice around 4 AM and then at 5:40 I was ready to roll. I did an insanely easy and loose 8.5 miler (@7.00) which also included 6x100m strides. I found a silent street with no ice and ran them like hell.

Nr 1 song from this morning:


Ez week

On Saturday the treadmill I ran on tried to kick my ass. I was feeling so weak during a normal steady state run that I had to stop at 3 miles. But luckily I had guts to continue and I was able to finish it. A night before I was up too late and instantly had pay the dues. That's what getting older really means???

On Sunday I broke my barriers and took mp3s with me on the long run. Of the 15.5 miles only 1.5 was not icy.

This week is an easy one so no Workout Wednesday for me. I did an easy 5 miler today. Next Saturday I'll run 3.1 miler at the local "race". The one and only Road Running Relay called Karhu-viesti is getting closer...

Top 5 songs from the long run:



Treadmills are having their payback!


Stupid winter

The best thing in this morning's run was the feeling that it can't get much worse than this. Due to sudden and almost heavy snow storm, the springish roads were now covered with a thick layer of cold water and wet snow on ice. After running 50 meters my feet were soaking wet (and cold), but once the engine started humming I didn't feel a thing. Just listened to over and over again.

BThis week's WOW was a repetation from last week: 2x2km (@ 5:50 pace) + 2x1km (@ 5:25) on treadmill.



Soon it's time for less injury prone roads...

marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon

marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon

marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon

marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon
marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon



As I have already mentioned, the current running conditions are a big freaking joke. I did only 14 miles and still got aches in lower back, upper thighs and of course in my jaws since I was cursing the whole way. During the last 2 km I chose to run on the street among cars (there was like 3 cars driving at that time) and thereafter the pace dropped from (ice-moderated) 7.40s to 6.55s (with grip). But anyhow the sunrise was nice. I really like to be on the road that early.

Weekly mileage (6 days, I have Mondays off) was 49. That's just fine. When the roads are again open, I'll increase the mileage up to 60-70 miles.


The plan

For the next couple weeks roads will be a slippery mess here but it's only mandatory before the Spring and open roads are here. Especially in the mornings the grip is unbearable. Thus, jumping on the treadmill was an easy choice for today's steady state run. I ran a 5 miler (@ 6.14) which was just according to the plan (improving 15 secs from last week).

Oh, the plan hasn't yet been introduced here. It's not any rocket science but a simple idea of reaching various steps before the ultimate goal. Now I have reached my all time low and I'm older than before so the humble plan is to start from the bottom (check), achieve 36 minutes at 6 miler, then proceed to 34 and 32 minutes. During this progression my engine will be modified to endure Berlin Marathon in September. Currently, I'm just happy if I'm able to start and finish that one. Oh and the whole basis of this plan is to Run by Feel.


Paternity leave

This week is sort of vacation. I'm having the last week of paternity leave (before I'll be with Lil' D for 6 weeks in April-May). This means a bit different schedule since I don't have to run at 6AM. This makes it special. Hah. No really, the chance to spend some time with Lil' D is the best.

On Monday I had a massage at Roni's. He a talent and he's really popular among triathletes and some runners too. Tuesday I ran 6 miler (@ 7:15) in increasingly slippery conditions. The weather is warming up which generates slippery/icy roads. Accordingly, today I ran WOW on treadmill. I did 2x2000m (@5.50s) + 2x1000m (@5:35) ' 3 min. with WU and CD. Such fun!


Rest of the week

Monday was miserable experience as it is supposed to be when you're sick (puking + high fever). Tuesday was also a day off, but I felt alive again. On Wednesday I did a short shakeout run and on Thursday I jumped back to original schedule.

Yesterday morning I did a nice 7.5 miler and listened to music for the first time in 23 years on the road. Weather was also easy on me (it was only 7F compared to real feel of Thursday: -15F), so it was an excellent booster. Today I did a tempo/steady-state run on treadmill after baby swimming. To summarize my feelings during those 5 miles (@6.17): I really hope that I could again get back in shape...  Patience...

Oh and this would be an awesome race: http://www.runforyourlives.com/


Yes, I'm going to hurl

What a night. Sudden stomach flue messed up my sleeping schedule and I spent lot of time crawling between bedroom and bathroom. Originally today was decided for rest, but not this way. Lalalalala... Oh and last week's mileage was 47 which makes me happy! 


Treadmill fun

Morning temperature was -11F => treadmill. Easy run would have been ok, but I had planned to run a wave run. Conveniently we have baby swimming at 8 AM in a spa which also has a gym with 2 treadmills. After "swimming" and sauna I sneaked out do to the workout. When I entered the gym both treadmills were in use so I had to warm up on a stationary bike. After 25 minutes on bike I was ready to roll.

I enjoyed enourmously when I was running 4+ miles by alternating 1ks (6.40/5.50). Huge fun. Because this was the first "faster" workout for ages, I decided to be patient and do only 4 faster repeats. It worked fine and after the run I felt awesome and ready for more. That's the best feeling!

Yesterday I had an opportunity to run easy with young studs. I joined Jole and Bruni who were getting ready for the indoor nationals which take place this weekend in Helsinki. Rock! 


In the middle of the week

On Monday afternoon I had my revenge with treadmill (or vice versa). The first workout was a steady state tempo run 4k (@ 6:34) + 4k (@ 6:26) + 2k (@ 6:00) + 2k WU and 2k CD. It was fun but boring and humid. The weather outside was, however, a good motivator due to around -13F temp.

Yesterday I had a massage but a pretty easy one. Today I did 6 miler starting at 6AM (in mild 0F).

The worst news from yesterday is that Jukka Keskisalo has again a bad problem. Now a broken bone in the foot.


I'm excited

Tomorrow I'll do my first workout since.... some time. It will be me against the treadmill but only a steady tempo, not fast nor hard. This "me against..." setting reminds me of a certain local Hall of Fame comprising runners who had "killed" a treadmill at one particular gym. Once I got "Error 4" blinking on that screen, I was one of them. We rule (or did rule)!

Hhmmm.... the prevalence of blustering has increased considerably during this week. Why is that? I dunno but weekly mileage was 41.

Today I did only a shakeout run, followed an indoor 3k race (good job Jaki, Bruni, Juki, Mr. Rauma, Darby, and Luca) and next I will do 100s and some stretching, but only when The Wild One is on tv.


I own this city

What a busy week. Basically it was caused by work, but luckily I've had time to run every day expect on Wednesday. On Wed I had to participate a workshop and give a presentation based on my thesis (I have opened it the last in Dec of 2004) at the Ministry of Transportation and Communications which took time due some traveling.

On Friday morning I "invented" a new workout called "I own this city". It is a workout which is done in the empty streets on early morning. The city centre of Turku has a pedestrian street which is heated(?) so there is no snow nor ice. One stretch is 300m long and I decided to do 200m reps. And too fast of course (@ 5.05 pace). But it was awesome!!!! Only thing is that the gluteus problem, which caused all the trouble in last May, woke up from a long dream. Luckily today during 12.5 miles run it was bearable. Kick ass!

Another ways the rule your city may include using garage entrances and mall's parking lot around the time when no one else is around.


On the road

Roads here are a mess. Yesterday they were plain ice and same was going on this morning. Luckily, I had to skip morning run since Lil' D has had hard time to adjust to our time zone. While I was biking to work, I noticed that waking up a little too late for a run was a blessing in disguise. I think that I wouldn't have been able to run at all on that icy roads.

Afternoon we got some wet snow which made running bearable. Additionally, I feel just great from the beginning so I decided to adjust my schedule and did a accelerating tempo (5k @ 6.40s to 6.05 pace) in the middle of my easy run. It's a start if nothing else.


Back in business

After the extremely nice 1.5 weeks in the US with HCS crew and especially with Jason, I'm back on the relatively lonely road. But visiting our "second family" was like a fresh mint with a blast of energy, so I will have boost to carry on. In all, this reminds me of the power embedded in training in a group - no matter if you are a enthusiastic beginner and absolute top guy. It sometimes gives you the edge you need or the motivation for grey mornings.

Yesterday I did only a shakeout run in the morning, and today I ran a 6 miler (at 6 AM) on pretty slippery roads. Now I will focus on keep the current streak of running going on and start to build the base for following a training schedule. Maybe I have to decide some kind of mid-term goal, since Berlin is still 7 months away. Could it be the half marathon in Helsinki in May or XC nationals?


Bagel Run

Yeah man! The first Bagel Run in about 14 months felt awesome! This week has offered us a chance to see lot of familiar faces and Bagel Run continued that streak. At last I met Tom who I thereafter followed through pretty messy (icy, snowy, covered with fallen branches) Centennial Lake loop. I ran totally a 13 miler which about 67% of my total mileage in December. I felt quite good, but that's mainly because of the pedestrian pace. After I met Carlos, Seth and Tim, pace was brutal for me considering my current shape. But still I was able to finish today's long(ish) run.

Sweetie ran with the stroller (andw/  Lil' D of course) and we have an opportunity for a breakfast at Bagel Bin. Just like in the old times... In the evening Stephen and Kerrie provided us (again) a venue for a get together which was assembled by Mr. Captain himself. It was the most fun way to finish our visit in the US. Till the next time...



The planned Wednesday run with HCS crew did not happen as planned. Damn you, you reliable weather forecasts!!! We didn't drive to HCC and instead I ran with Jason twice around Centennial in a pretty heavy snow. I think that I saw an unicorn and a fox which wasn't red.



I just did my first fast (sub ez pace) run after May 14th of 2010 and I feel great! The goal was hit sub 20 mins. 5k which was easy due to slightly too short course. But the estimated time would be around 18:40! It was so great to see many familiar faces: Jason, Mark, Weems, Mike, John, James, Karsten, both Gregs etc. It felt like I haven't away at all. This is going to be an awesome week! Only thing is that now I'm barely able to keep my lungs inside me because of all coughing.


New experience

Sweetie went to collect our babyjogger yesterday. It meant only thing: today we had our first run as a family. It rocked! D was sleeping almost throught the whole 5 miler out and back to the Mall. Pace was not important today so I don't mention about it.

Instead, I might have to start pay attention to the left knee which has been bugging or then I just forget it and it will vanish, right?


DC time

Dude! No ice and some gravel paths make wonders!

I was flying this morning remembering the current level of my running shape. I rolled down the 14th St. and soon found myself running at the Mall. Mind was traveling the memory lane, and I didn't pay too much attention in the pace. When I started to crawl back to the hotel I noticed that I was running way faster (6 miles, 6.40s) than last Sunday (7.40s). I blame the fast morning runners for that. Oh, and the nice weather, moon light, and all the memories deserve a mentioning. Or maybe couple days off (due to severe running conditions in Turku) and traveling for 15 hours helped, too?



What you expect when it's raining and temperatures are around 31F. Yes, ice. This morning I was barely able to walk on slippery wet ice to the trail. The trail looked maintaned but there was a layer of ice on the gravel. So, after 100 meters running and having almost fallen down three times I decided turn back which I did. Then I slept for an hour. I'll give another try in the evening after the cultural activities.

And tomorrow we will begin our journey to the US. Awesome!

[edit:] Another try my ass... it's still too slippery AND we had a dinner at the theather, so my next run will most likely take place in DC on Thursday.


Still feeling fine

Today's run was helped (not) by snow blizzard, and I had energy to finish 11 miles which was the longest run after the surgery. Week was 30+ miles. Happy happy joy joy.

Tomorrow I will join Hell and ski like hell.

The some wise words from Lasse Viren (the legend): "When you watch outside before the run and think what to wear, you are ok. When you watch outside before the run and think should I go outside, you are finished."


I'm alive

I expected that the first run when I hit at least 1 km sub 6.30s would be in few months and painful. But no, it was today (5F, not wind) and it just suprised me. I joined Dr. A's afternoon run during which all of a sudden the pace (per 1k) accelerated from 7.50s to 7.14, 7.03, 6.46, and 6.22. That felt awesome albeit the last k stinked pretty badly.

Achilles was ok but hamstring/gluteus showed me a conditional middle finger. I gotta keep that in mind, too. Rehabilitation exercises have to be excented to cover more and more deficiencies.


Weird week

This week I've reached the most productive state at work. I'm delivering research papers and results like a badass. That's weird. Maybe it's because of the running conditions are the worst ever (no, the real reason is that I just had 3 weeks of vacation). After two days of rain roads turned into a icy layer a.k.a achilles killer.

Still, on Tuesday I ran my first run (after the surgery) with decent grip even if roads were close to unrunable. Our backyard provides (in addition to Paavo Nurmi Stadium) a trail (about 0.9 miles long) which is maintained in excellent shape for walking and running through the winter. Due to the fact that I wasn't running on snow/ice/their combination, the achilles felt pretty weird. Moreover, I postponed alternating skiing days and did some core workouts instead. That's okay since xc skiing sucks and it especially sucks if you have to ski on ice.

Today I ran in the evening after traveling to Tampere and back. Just out of curiosity I took HRM with me and was amazed by how off my engine really is. But it will be humming again. Oh and an update: I have lost 3.3 pounds.


Early bird

It was 7:30 AM and I had done my long(ish) run. The conditions were surprising because after several days of snow this morning was rainy. It meant only one thing - icy conditions. And roads were really icy but I was able to rumble through 11 miles (still @ pedestrian pace) without any pain in the achilles.

This week's totals:
Running 16 miles
XC skiing 15 miles
1 core workout
3 sick days


More snow

Yeah man!!!!

Our trip to the US is getting closer and I'm eagerly looking forward to see friends over there. Maybe that's why this morning's skiing wasn't bad at all. I'm pretty sure that it has been snowing three days in a row, so xc skiing is decent choice for a physical workout, right?

Good news is that achilles is feeling now quite good. It didn't make a sound yesterday even if I ran and walked a bit. That has been a painful combination during the last weeks, but not anymore (I hope).  So you can recover from injuries even if you're getting older...


Back in business

At last I'm healthy. Last physical activity before today's 6 miler was Monday's xc skiing. Even if there was an additional layer of fresh snow keeping company this morning, running felt so great! Suck on that you lazy snowplowers.


And then came the illness

Friday and Saturday was a preview and then today I got ill. Mucus outcome, sneezing, raspy voice and of course 10% of the lung capacity. I have to get better. Now!