
Back at the office

So all of sudden this year's vacation time is over and I'm back at work. On next week's Friday I'll fly over to San Antonio, TX for a research conference (there's 8k/15k race on Sat evening, but I have to skip it). Accordingly, I will continue "on" days for an extra five days and have an ez week while staying in the USA.

Last week's plan/execution:
M: Off / Off
T: Ez / Ez
W: Even Steven workout / Even Steven(10min@MP/ez/8min@HMP/ez/6min@10kP/ez/4min@5kP/ez/2minsub5kP)
T: Ez / Ez
F: Ez + striders / Ez
S: Ez + short hills / Ez
S: Long run 16-18 miles w/6 miles @ MP
/ 16 miles of which last 6 miles @ MP

Both of last week's workouts were really nice experiences. Even Steven workout was especially ok.

This week's plan looks like this:

M: Off
T: Easy
W: AM Easy, PM Bike ride
T: 4x2km'4min. @ HMP
F: Easy
S: Tempo 7-8 miles @ MP

S: Long run 18-20 miles EZ!

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