
And then I got sick again

This is BS. I just bounced back to business and then I falled into the bed again. But that's yesterday. Today I was back on the ice and faced the cold wind like nothing. I lost 8 days of exercise this month. I hate that.

But hey, tomorrow is February. Snow, ice and wind are waiting... are you ready?

And this was great news for Becky. Congrats!


Got sick, got healthy, getting slower

I don't why I keep highlight the fact that I'm slower all the time. Maybe I just want to believe that...

Well, running has been pretty okay expect during the three days off last week. During those days I just focused on eating a lot. This week is the first "back at it" week and today I will enjoy the steady state 14k no matter what. Right after saving this post I will register for Master's National where I have planned to race at 3000m. Hopefully they will keep the track open at least for 10 minutes. Hah.


2013 Stats

Number of miles conquered by running: 1730
Number of miles conquered by cycling: 2000
Number of miles conquered by swimming: 18
Number of marathons completed: 0
Number of marathons started: 0
Number of Medal in Nationals in any sports/AG: 1 (bronze, duathlon, 40-44)
Number of the best ever training plans started during 2013: 1
Number of the best ever training plans finished during 2013: 0
Number of running related disappointments: 7+

Number of running races completed: 8
Number of bike races completed: 0
Number of adventure races completed: 1
Number of running injuries: 1
Number of months spent off running: 3.5
Number of broken toes: 1
Number of kgs lost/gained: still don't care
Number of registrations for an Ironman race in 2014: 1