
I'm excited

Tomorrow I'll do my first workout since.... some time. It will be me against the treadmill but only a steady tempo, not fast nor hard. This "me against..." setting reminds me of a certain local Hall of Fame comprising runners who had "killed" a treadmill at one particular gym. Once I got "Error 4" blinking on that screen, I was one of them. We rule (or did rule)!

Hhmmm.... the prevalence of blustering has increased considerably during this week. Why is that? I dunno but weekly mileage was 41.

Today I did only a shakeout run, followed an indoor 3k race (good job Jaki, Bruni, Juki, Mr. Rauma, Darby, and Luca) and next I will do 100s and some stretching, but only when The Wild One is on tv.

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