
Still rolling...

Monday was a day off but I did a set of 100s and 2xMyrtle Routine.

Yesterday morning I ran an ez 6 miler and did one set of short steep hills (following Brad Hudson's recommendations). Today I woke up bit later than planned and thus I was out running only at 6:30. Plan was to run a steady state run of 7.5 miles. And the plan was nicely executed. For the first time since the treadmill test running felt easy and enjoyable. Further, the pace was faster than a week ago even if HR was now lower. This is mostly explained by the change in the weather (last week 77F, now 50F and raining). Anyway, I don't feel miserable.

Tomorrow I will wake up in Stockholm (SWE) and most likely don't have any time slot for running. Core time?

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