
Let the racing begin

Today I have to start racing. I'm in the middle of getting back on the road (yes, this is 376th time) and gaining speed. Usually the best way to increase your running speed is to race.

And that's what is up today. Today I will lace my running shoes in order to run a race. Not a biggie, but the only thing is that this is a cross country event and I'm going to be punished so hard. But that is the only way out of this steady state of running.

Timewise my triathlon training has had a disturbing effect on time available for running. Furthermore, biking does tire your legs, too. But I don't worry that too much. Maybe this all is a blessing in disguise and the current set of physical activities will keep running related injuries away.


Last two weeks

First of all congrats for Mark and Jason for conquering the Boston marathon once again. Boston Strong! That was an insane race!

After struggling for almost 2 months with the hamstring/gluteus problems I think that I'm sort of back on the road again. Two weeks ago I ran the first decent workout (4x5 min'2 min rest) at the group workout which I'm helping to organize. On Tuesdays we have 40-80 runners from various age groups and sports (runners, triathletes, ultra runners, orienteerers(?)) gathering together and conducting some magic. The I have done easy runs, two longer runs, two tempo runs, but all of that has been moderated by the simple fact that I gotta run, not to spend any more time injured. 

Thereafter, the weather has become more and more pleasant which has enabled to start biking outside. That has been a good addition to the run and swim routines. This summer will be less about running and more about multi-sports.


Less pain in Spain

My hamstring is not fully functional but I have been running at pedestrian pace for couple of miles. It has been fun. In between I have been hammering many painful inclines on my (rental) bike. Despite the life threatening gusty winds we faced today, I am really happy with the current situation.