
Gotta have more cowbell

Haven't been updating anything for awhile. Writing manuscripts has taken all the potential spare time.

Yesterday and today I have spent only by thinking about running due to a flu. Other than that the training has been quite steady lately even if I ran only 200 miles during January.

Weekly repertoire has been something like this: On Mondays I have had dates with treadmill and I've enjoyed acclerating tempos. Then on Thursdays I have joined a group of youngsters while they demolish 500m or 1000m reps. Then on Wednesday mornings I have done short steep hills (10x12 sec) in a parking garage of a mall near by. The roads are a mess as you can imagine, but it hasn't hindered the pleasures of long runs. On Sunday evening I have participated a swim practice in order to enhance the chances to keep myself alive while tackling with half-Ironman next Summer.

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