
2*Morning Run and then some Thanksgiving

Today I had a double morning. First, I did an easy tempo (3M 18.01) and some hills (5*80sec'350m) around 7.00 AM. Then had some breakfast, and started to gear up for Turkey Trott Prediction run. That's a 10k without a watch, only with a sense of time. The one who finishes closest to 11.00 AM wins that race. And the one ain't gonna be me...

Turkey Trott 10k 39.48. Again, I was late which has been the case in all runs during this week. Luckily, I saw Jason coming for his warm up (a 15k run...) and so we started together. I was originally hoping for a really easy run, but we had to start a bit faster in order to catch Mark and Joe, and to take care of finishing enough close to 11. After catching and running a couple of k's with M&J I think that we lost our gut feeling and increased the pace again. It was also partly due to listening to Phil. Hah. So we finished at 10.58,57, wayyy of the goal. But Mark was "4th" by missing the 11.00 by only less than 1.5 seconds... In all that was a fun race. Today with nice distance running was all together ~15 miles.

And happy thanksgiving!

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