
Workout Wednesday

Today I had a great chance to join a group of locals (J, Hell, A-P, Jo, and M) and assess my current shape with them. That's the nice part. The rest was solely pain and agony. Without any comparison to these fast guys, I had a decent reality check.

I ran 4 times the famous Karikko loop (hilly and muddy) with 2 min. jog rest. Each of them was an awful experience, but it's a start. I found an equivalent workout in my training log from Spring 2006. Four (!) years ago I ran the same loop in 4.21-4.15. Today I logged between 4.38 (5.36 pace) and 4.26 (5.20 pace). Other guys did five repeats and ran their last loop in 4.00. And still I'm happy.

Monthly mileage was again 250.


At last

It's pretty close. Spring time. Roads are more and more runable as well as at last running feels normal. Heavier but normal. I did my normal morning routine and then ran something before the core workout. Yesterday my legs were hurting, but today was better. Accordingly, I think that tomorrow I will join J when he's starting the outdoor season at the Karikko loop. It's going to be great!


Workout Sunday

Tempo run, outside, no ice nor snow. I like that. I skipped today's race (10k) and ran my first tempo run (T-pace, 5M) to gain some basic stamina for the forthcoming Berlin routine. Felt pretty okay, even if it was rather cold and wet. Week was 64 miles.


The usual

Friday: Ez morning jog with sweetie

Saturday: A longish run (12.5 miles, @ 7.00/mile) to see my dad.


Workout Thursday

Yesterday I ran an easy 4 miles in the morning. In the evening I just ate - a lot.

Today morning I jogged 3 miles and concentrated more on the evening. It was time for a workout (at last). Due to unfavorable road conditions I had to choose the treadmill. It helped me through 5x1k'2 min rest jog (3.18-3.04/k). Then I ate some more.



I had planned some tempo repeats for this morning, but after falling down TWICE during the WU I decided not to even give a try. Guys in MD push their pace already in 60s and we are stuck with ice here. Not fair. On the other hand I'm still sore from Saturday and Sunday so maybe an extra easy day is not that bad. But soon I have to start to be more consistent. Today it's time for core workout with a little longer warm-up run.

Evening's outcome was decent but exhausting: core workout with 11 miles WU (@7.00/mile).


Stuck in the middle

And it's snowing again. I don't see the reason for that. I had a nice morning jaunt together w/ Mika and Bruni. I gathered 15.5 miles and was pretty tired thereafter. Roads were slippery due to freezing temperatures in the night. And this week's mileage was 36 (in 3 days).


Back on the road

First workout after the recovery from flue! I headed to a hill which was FREE from snow and ice. So today was the first time since early December when these two annoying buddies were not covering my way. This is great!

The workout (6*450m'450m) itself was tougher than I expected. I thought that if I do only 6 reps it is enough for my aiching body and I would have decent reserves of energy to use for 4 miles CD. After getting back home I realized that I wasn't too careful.


Slowly getting back at it

Three days off for head cold/flue. Today I started to get myself back on the road (with an easy 3 miler). I think my lungs will be cooperative anytime soon.


Nasty cold

Being sick sucks.

Today's big news is that David Beckham was operated in our hometown. Latest news let us know that Posh Spice is arriving here, too. The doctor in charge, Sakari Orava, has operated many runners like Haile Gerbreselassie.


Another icy long run

I'd choose rain over icy roads. Easily. But now I have no choices. Today's mileage was 16 w/ Jukka and Joonatan. Week was 62 miles (again).

I'm really looking forward to better road conditions.


All of a sudden

Weekend is here. Again. After Wednesday's hill workout I did only two easy morning runs. I didn't have enough time for another run since on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I left work aroung 9:30-10:00 PM. That sucks of course but the revised version of the manuscript is ready.

This morning I chose the treadmill over icy roads. Hamstrings are feeling pretty tense due to running on ice, and thus, today's accelerating tempo (5M, 29:40, from 6:25 to 5:20s pace) wasn't that easy. But it's done. Tomorrow: long run.


Workout Wednesday

Despite the yesterday's destructing feeling I woke up and soon found myself running hill workout (6x500m w/ 500m jog rest). After the workout I noticed the WRR's 2009 Runner Rankings. Even if I sucked pretty badly in Annapolis and Bmore 10-milers I was ranked 8th in my age group and 52nd among men. That being said, I'm sure the Mr. Wardian will rule this age group for the next couple years. He's a machine/animal. In a good way...

The Karikko trail located in our backyard was again well-maintained (ice was now UNDER the gravel and sand) which made the workout more enjoyable than I originally expected. Additionally, I was able to kick my own ass today. How about you?


Casa di tired legs

Monday: 6 miles in between of work and leisure time.

Tuesday: Morning 6 miler added with another 6 miler and core workout (Indiana Elite's) in the evening. Roads are now a big mess and I have to rethink my plan to enjoy mileage for forthcoming Berlin (fun run). After only three runs my hamstrings are getting worse pretty fast. Is it really worth of pushing the envelop yet...?


Finishing off the easy week

Yesterday I ran to see my dad when he was visiting home the first time in 3+ months. It felt so great to see he over there even if he had to return back to hospital. Run was a nice experience, 10.5 miles (6.49 pace), under the sunshine. Sun has not been around too much lately...

Today I ran w/ Bruni an awesome 16 miler - again eased by the sunshine. Easy week was 61 miles (with two off days I planned to gain 40 miles).

Tomorrow... I'm going to kick Monday's ass!


No run and then run

Thursday: No run. Didn't feel like it.

Friday: Morning jog 6 miles and then in the evening a 5M tempo run on the treadmill: 29.30. I accelerated from 6.28 to 5.29/mile with a rendo feeling (average pace 5.55). This was actually the first decent tempo run since Atlanta (11/20/09). It's good start. Or at least a good way to compensate yesterday's lazyness.


Same old whining

Oh. Did I ever tell you that getting old sucks? Because it does.

I had an extremely tired and partially painful 9 miler. Yesterday's core workout (especially the exercises killing your legs and hamstrings) was hampering my way. And the current running conditions do not help so much when you hit the wall during an EASY run. But I know that better is just around the corner.

Above the crawl, right?


Workout Tuesday

No morning run/jog. Now it's an ez week.

In the afternoon I joined triathletes in their core workout. Before that I ran w/Bruni about 7 miles. Roads are now offering their worst for runners, but that's only temporary. I think.